Below is a link to the recording of the first DCCB Braille is BASIC graduation on May 26, 2022. Please excuse the static on the recording. This is the first such event for DCCB and we are happy to share it with our members and friends.
Braille is BASIC Graduation Recording
BASIC Braille Program Information Below:
Announcing our virtual braille class called the BASIC braille program taught by Ava Ferebee and Rosalind Mackall.
B - braille
A - access
S - support
I - independence
These virtual braille grade I and II classes meet on Thursdays:
- Beginners from 6 to 7 pm eastern.
- Advanced 7 to 8 pm eastern.
The classes have picked back up after the holidays on January 6, 2022 and are continuous until you complete the book.
If interested, email the Director of the Program, Ava Ferebee at Be sure to include your phone number in your email to Ava.
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